Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So, I've become an Olympic junkie. I'm loving it. Watched every Michael Phelps race (or as I imagine Pres. Bush calls him, "Phelpsy"... Beavis is our president! Rock on Beavis!!!) I've watched Phil Dahlhausser and Todd Rogers annihilate their beach volleyball competition (or as P.B. calls them "Toddly and the Big Guy"... did I mention Beavis?). Diving, water polo, equestrian, steeplechase, track and field, marathon... anything and everything on the NBC networks. But, I came across this article on yahoo that sums up the events where judging is involved... mainly, gymnastics. If you've watched any, you know exactly what I mean. C'mon... something smells fishy there, and its not the seafood restaurants. Read this article and you'll know what I mean.

A girl landing two faults on her feet HAS to be better than a girl landing her second fault on her knees... I'm not a gymnastics expert, but really... it's an easy call.

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