Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well, it Mardi Gras time... and if you have never spent this time in or around New Orleans, then you simply cannot understand the magnitude of this celebration. For like an entire week, but especially on Fat Tuesday, everything stops and the city celebrates. Call it what you will, but I think, at least this year, its a wonderful time to celebrate life. Brian McLaren is right for appreciating Catholics... can you imagine some Southern Baptist creating Mardi Gras? NO WAY!!! Seriously though, at some point today, stop and take a moment just to celebrate. Celebrate your spouse, your job, your house... celebrate Jesus! (for anyone from the H.O.G.S. era, you know what I mean... haha!)... the main point is just to celebrate. Here's to a celebration day and a Happy Mardi Gras!!!


Brandon Anderson said...

What does the 'Cheney Rifle Club' have to do with Mardi Gras?

Josh Butcher said...

Don't you know... all those shootings and lootings that took place in New Orleans were a direct result of the Cheney Rifle Club... Keep up man!