Thursday, March 09, 2006

First Look!

Hope and I had a doctor visit today and we got our first look at our new baby. We still don't know what gender the baby is... but regardless, I'm really excited about the new addition to our lil' family.


Chris and Holly said...

Congratulations Josh! I know that you guys are excited. Enjoy it!

Brandon Anderson said...

Wow... you've procreated. Reproduced.

And apparantly, 'your' wants you to do some more of it.

m.d. mcmullin said...


m.d. mcmullin said...

Did I notice in the top corner of the ultrasound that Hope's doctor is Dr. Alexander?

Nice coincidence.

ndfugate said...

that's just a stock photo they keep in the back. you cant tell anything. o well, still happy for you guys.

Derek said...

I see that congratulations are in order for you as well. Think of the one, most incredible and amazing miracle you have ever prayed for and then quadruple your passion and the awe-someness of it and that is the miracle that you are preparing to witness.
God bless.