Friday, May 26, 2006


Some of you have asked (sorry for the late reply, see below) what I am doing back in Tennessee. Well... I am doing the same thing that I did in Mississippi/New Orleans, only now I do it for mostly uppoer-middle class white folk. I know, I'm pretty much a sell-out. Oh well... I guess other things could be worse. But... to be honest, people are actually nicer here, easier to talk to, and less cut-throat. Now, I know what you are thinking... I projected that attitude on the fine people on the gulf coast, and my behavior was probably not as welcoming there as it is here... Well... I would say... you are butt wrong! The fact is people ARE nicer here... they ARE more likely to engage in conversation... they ARE not as likely to steal, cheat and rob their insurance company blind NOR are they as likely to try to rape me and stick it to me (both figuratively and... in a certain sense, literally). So, there it is... thats what I'm doing, workin for THE MAN.