Monday, November 21, 2005

Rules are Rules

So, the Wal-Mart here in Gulfport is open and apperently everyone thinks that the rules no longer apply. Let me explain. I'm in the quick check-out, express, 10 ITEMS OR LESS line at WallyWorld trying to buy a birthday present for this 3 yr. old daughter of a guy here. Total, I have 10 items in the cart, the maximum allowed number of items for the designated lane. I feel proud about this, knowing that I have followed the rules for this line. I look in front of me (at this point I am beside the candy aisle, you fellow Wal-Martians know what I'm talking about) and there are about 5 or 6 carts that have exceeded the 10 items limit. Now, I don't really mind if someone has 11 or 12, or even 15 items while in this line, but that isn't the case here. These folks have full carts. When the lady in front of me began to ring her stuff up, I counted how many items she had. Yeah, thats right... I counted. THIRTY-THREE!!!!!!! This lady thinks it's okay to have 33 items in the 10 items or less line. What is this? Do these folk think that just because they experienced the worst natural disaster in U.S. history that anarchy has now begun? We are neart 3 months removed from the storm. I think we can restore some sort of order now. Thats just ridiculous!


Anonymous said...

Yes, rules are rules. Unless you're in Gulfport, Mississippi...where there are no traffic lanes, lights, signs, check-out get my point. Geez-loueeze! I never thought I'd say this but...
Boy, am I glad to be going back to Tennessee for Thanksgiving...where people know how to drive!!!!!!!! Ha! Also, where my mom's cooking is and where my dad's jokes are!!!

Peter Zefo said...

Don't you wish that you weren't a Christian sometimes and could cuss that lady out and not feel any guilt about it? Okay, maybe it's just me. I also get the urge to "accidently" trip when I am walking back from the buffet line and spill my tray over some unsuspecting victim. Thank God for sanctification. What would we do if we actually lived in Romans 7?

Brandon Anderson said...

She was just filling in for her two old biddy friends that couldn't make it to WalMart. So it's all the same.

My motto at WalMart: "Always use the self-checkout. So you can get ticked off there too."

joel w. clackum said...

Well, at least she didn't break out a box of collected coupons and search through them at the end of the sale to see if anything she bought was on sale.... That makes a 10 item purchase a 30 minute endeavor... and thanks to Zefo for waxing spiritual.